Restoring 杰克逊的大学 Millage

11月星期二. 5, 2024 look for 杰克逊的大学 on the ballot.

Explaining the ballot language

When you go to the polls this coming Nov. 5, 你会发现全球网络赌博平台要求恢复因密歇根黑德利修正案而减少的税收.

杰克逊的大学 Millage Proposal

This proposal will allow the College to restore its originally authorized charter millage (1) 速率1.33个工厂在所有的财产,与此提案的收入将用于 加强职业培训、就业介绍和专业技术教育(2). 在1964年选举中最初确定的税额限制,可针对全球网络赌博平台社区学院区边界内的所有财产进行评估, 密歇根, be (3)增加 by 0.1973轧机 ($0.1973 per $1,000 of taxable valuation) (4) for a period of 10 years, 2025年到2034年, 包容, to provide funds for enhancing job training, 就业安置, and professional trades education programs; if this millage is approved and levied in full in 2025, it is estimated to raise approximately $1,200,000(这是为了恢复1963年密歇根宪法所要求的削减所造成的损失)?

(1) Millage Restoration

Although the millage rate was approved back in 1964, 由于密歇根州的海德利修正案,实际税率下降了.

目标是将全球网络赌博平台的村庄率恢复到原来的1.33 mills that was approved by voters in 1964. Due to the Headlee Amendment, the current levy is 1.1327工厂.

(2) 职业培训, Job Placement and Professional 交易教育

密歇根州不断发展的经济需要熟练的全球网络赌博平台,以应对现代工业的挑战. With the rise of advanced manufacturing, 医疗保健, electric vehicles (EV), artificial intelligence (AI), and technology sectors, there is a growing need for robust job training, 就业安置, and professional trades education.

These programs are essential for bridging the skills gap, ensuring that Jackson residents can access high-quality jobs, and supporting the state’s economic growth.


杰克逊的大学 is not asking voters for additional authorization, only what was originally authorized in 1964. The word “increase” is required language for this kind of proposal, 这表明选民确实可以在恢复10年的法定里程或拒绝它之间做出选择.


1百万=每1000美元的房屋或财产的应税估价为1美元. For a home valued at $100,000, with a taxable value of about $50,000, the millage restoration would cost about $9.87美元一年



Why 杰克逊的大学?

杰克逊的大学 generates $276.由于校友生产力的提高,每年为该地区增加了400万美元的收入.

对所有人开放,确保所有人都有机会获得副学士学位, certificate or shorter-term credential to start, advance or change their career.


通过提供护理等高需求职业的学位,为杰克逊县的全球网络赌博平台做好准备, 盟军的健康, information technology, business administration and more.

Free tuition for seniors aged 65 and older.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • When is the election?

    周二,11月. 5, 2024. Polls open from 7 a.m. 到8点.m. 参观 State of 密歇根 website for full voting options.

  • What is on the ballot?

    杰克逊县的选民将决定是否恢复因黑德利修正案而减少的财产税资金. Revenue from this millage levy would fund job training, 就业安置, and professional trades education programs.

  • Why is this election necessary?

    全球网络赌博平台的收费标准与1964年首次由选民决定的相同. It has one of the lowest millage levies in 密歇根. 恢复全额征税将为职业培训和行业提供急需的资金, 这些地区将为我们的工商业提供必要的工人,并促进整个地区的经济发展.

  • 该提案将如何使学生和杰克逊县社区受益?

    This will allow for new programs, 新产品, more high-tech equipment and enhancement placement services. For the larger community, this will enhance educational opportunities, provide more skilled workers for employers and in turn, boost the local economy.

  • What is the Headlee Amendment?

    1978年通过的《全球网络赌博平台》要求,当现有房产的年增长率大于通货膨胀率时,地方政府单位必须减少其房屋面积. 因此, 当地单位的村级税率被“回滚”,从而导致财产税收入的增长, 社区的, is no more than the rate of inflation.

    “Headlee overrides”是指选民投票决定将里程恢复到最初通过特许状授权的金额, 国家法规, or a vote of the people, 并且是抵消“黑德利回滚”影响所必需的.”

  • What will the ballot proposal cost?

    1百万=每1000美元的房屋或财产的应税估价为1美元. For a home valued at $100,000, with a taxable value of about $50,000, the millage restoration would cost about $9.87.

  • Who can vote on this ballot proposal?

    任何在选举日年满18岁并登记投票的杰克逊县居民. 密歇根州的选民现在可以在选举日当天登记投票.

  • Where can I register to vote?

    你可以在任何州务卿办公室或你居住的书记办公室登记投票. 你也可以 download a voter registration application.

  • Do I need to update my voter registration?

    如果您在上次投票后更改了您的姓名或地址,您需要更新您的注册. 你可以在任何一个州务卿办公室或你居住的书记员办公室办理.

  • 我在哪里投票?

    您将在您居住的社区的常规选区投票. If you are unsure of your precinct, go to www.密歇根.gov /投票.

  • Can I vote by absentee ballot?

    Due to the passage of the statewide ballot proposal 18-3, 密歇根州所有符合条件和登记的选民现在都可以要求缺席选民投票,而无需提供理由. You can download a ballot application through www.密歇根.gov /投票.